Today I dropped off my gift bag items for the
Same Love, Same Rights 'Mobile Marriage Summit' at the Sheraton Harborside in Portsmouth today.
I'm very excited about they way they came out - I designed them ~ but I wasn't sure how the they would look after they were printed. It turns out I had nothing to worry about! They are gorgeous, the colors are vibrant and the whites are white! (Sort of sounds like a laundry detergent commercial...)
But instead, it's a commercial for me! (sort of)
Here they are..

They measure 4x3.5, which is the equivilant of laying out 2 business cards, one on top of each other.
I'll be attending the summit on Sunday to see what it's all about and see what else is in the gift bags along with me!
It's free to all, so come out and show your support.